SOL Challenges
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Soon we will add a SOL Challenges section for you, in which each of you will be able to participate.
In this section, participants will publicly trade starting with a small amount in order to reach a good pot.
For example, from 1 to 10 SOL, the participant can choose any start for himself.
We will create a separate channel for you in which you will make transactions in live mode.
The most important thing is to follow our rules for running the challenge, which we will publish when this column is launched.
We want to make this challenge as easy as possible to understand your trades and balance so that people can trade with you.
Everyone who passes their challenge will receive good prizes from us.
ใปIn your first post, introduce yourself to the audience and write your strategy ใปIndicate your balance after each trade ใปEach of your purchases must be accompanied by a screenshot and a rationale for why you made it. ใปWrite about your work done during the day to achieve your goal ใปYou can use any of your resources (Minting Bot, Sniper, Giveaways in other projects, etc..) ใปInactivity or loss of funds - kick from the challenge
We want to make this section as open and active as possible, keep it as your blog